South East Leisure is excited to announce the Royal Life Saving Swim and Survive program has arrived at Dandenong Oasis and Noble Park Aquatic Centre!
Swim and Survive is a fun and dynamic swimming and water safety program that focuses on the development of swimming, personal survival, basic rescue and lifesaving skills. Swim and Survive aims to provide individuals with the required skills to lead safe and active lives in, on and around water.
The Curriculum has been mapped to the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework which provides national benchmarks for children’s swimming and water safety competencies.
This new curriculum started on 1 July 2022 with the commencement of South East Leisure management of facilities.

The new curriculum includes four infant levels and twelve general Swim and Survive levels.
Infant Levels – Little Wonders
There is curriculum for Infant children aged 6 months to 3 years.
Level four of the Little Wonders levels is a ‘transition level’. The aim of the transition level is to assist children progressing to independence in the water without parents or carers.
Swim and Survive Levels
There are eleven skill-based levels plus a twelfth level equal to the Bronze Star. Level 1 – 3 in the Preschool program and Levels 1 – 3 in the Primary School program offer the same curriculum.
This enables:
- Clear progressions throughout the curriculum
- Clear alignment between preschool and school aged levels
- Easy transition from preschool to school aged levels

Students have been automatically converted into the equivalent Swim and Survive level. There is no change to your class day or time unless you have been contacted.
We hope you are just as excited as we are to continue to deliver a quality swimming and water safety program and all it has to offer!
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